When real life smacks you in the face

I had been stressing out about the upcoming podcast project; I still haven’t completely figured out my topics yet.  Then news came down yesterday that a coworker had unexpectedly died.  Nothing else matters at that point but making sure we all get through it.  Everyone came together yesterday evening as we all shared memories and good times.  The podcast will come and be completed.  The class will end and life will go on; perspective is a funny thing.  Hug your loved ones a little tighter.

When real life smacks you in the face

4 thoughts on “When real life smacks you in the face

  1. Lori Suffield says:

    Chris, I am so sorry to hear about your co-worker. It is never fun to get that sort of reality check. My kiddos had been away for a few day with my parents and you can believe that I did give them an extra hug when I picked them up this morning. Hang in there!


  2. Jennifer Green says:

    Chris, I am sorry for you loss. Sometimes life gets so busy, we forget what is actually important. My husband has a coworker who lost a brother last week, another coworker’s wife has terminal cancer (they have 2 small children), and we just found out today that his boss’s daughter has stage 3 breast cancer. We are not sure what is going on, but the last few weeks have caused us, as a family, to prioritize a few things and be thankful for all we have.


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