Still chugging along

I received my feedback back from my WebQuest proposal and it looks like its full power ahead.  I’ve already gathered a number of sites and have the the rough outline jotted down on my notepad so the next week will really be buckling down complete a kanban WebQuest.

The mobile application development proposal has me in a quandary.  I can only speculate what good use cases would be.  One of my pet peeve’s in technology design is designing something where the user base has not been consulted.  Typically this ends in very bad application design, clunky interfaces, and people (like me) who complain about the thing that was delivered.  So what did I do to solve it?  Interviewed my wife.  So over dinner we had a long conversation about what she would find useful as a 7th grade language arts teacher. My conclusion?  Everything she wants is available via other means.  What does this mean for me?  While available via other means they are all disparate solutions, so it looks like I’ll designing some sort of a mashup.  Right now I’m thinking about using responsive web design that will have the look and feel of a native mobile app without having to do a native mobile app, we will see if that is allowed.

I’ve also subscribed via RSS to all my classmates blogs, I had already setup a number of feeds in Feedly where I get all my normal technology news.  Popular technology blogs that I follow (your interests may very) include:

  • Ars Technica
  • Lifehacker
  • Wired
  • TechCrunch
  • VentureBeat
  • Forbes
  • Gartner Blogs

There is a wide range of information across varying technology topics that tend to keep my interest on a daily basis (I usually read them as I’m eating my lunch at my work desk).  On to submitting my application proposal.

Still chugging along

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